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Google Stadia Announced

Google Stadia is REVOLUTIONARY for the video game industry. And not just because I am a fan of Google. I have been a gamer my entire life and one of the biggest struggles was when your friends had a different console than you. Too bad so sad. You were s*** outta luck if you wanted to play together or even just talk and socialize. Now the game has changed. (Pun intended)

Google Stadia is a gaming platform that Google is pioneering to make gaming seamless and “cross-platform.” It allows video games to be played on any device that can run Google Chrome. Games will be played out of the cloud so you can start gaming from your laptop and finish on your TV, as long as a Chromecast is plugged in. Or start gaming on your phone and move it over to your tablet without losing your place. Google Stadia is an incredible platform that can hopefully de-segment gamers and bring everyone into one “system.”

No price has been announced yet but I hope Google nails the price at a point that allows everyone to join in on this platform and make it accessible to the masses. The reason PC gaming has always dominated the gaming market is because it is the most accessible. Nearly everyone has a computer and doesn’t have to spend “extra” money on a console to play the games. On a PC, just buy the game and jump in. So hopefully Google can hit a price point where it doesn’t feel like you are buying an extra “console” and it is as seamless as just downloading the game and jumping in.

All in all, I’m very excited for Google Stadia. It is a big step forward to bring gamers together and help bridge the console gap. I have nothing against consoles I just always wished there wasn’t a divide between console gamers, PC gamers, and mobile gamers. Now Google is building that bridge to make it easy to play with friends that have a different gaming console. The future of gaming looks bright!

Let me know what you think! Do you think Google Stadia is going to help the gaming industry or will it be a flop? What would you like to see happen in the video game world? For more info about Google Stadia you can visit and sign up for their news.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter for updates on when I post or just discussing how bad I am at golf. I’ll be starting up my steam again on Twitch which I have neglected for some time now. And be on the lookout for YouTube videos dropping. (hopefully) Will link later when videos start going up!

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